How Long Does a Dental Specialties Residency Last?

Dental specialties typically require a two-to-four-year residency, while some general practice programs last between six months and two years, and some oral and maxillofacial surgery residencies require six years of training. Each of these dental programs has a different length of residence.

General dental residencies

typically last less than one to two years, while surgical residencies can last between three and seven years. In general, you will most likely have to complete a residency for at least one year in order to obtain a dental license.

However, some specialties require additional education and longer residency requirements. These can last between three and six years. The length of dental residencies varies significantly depending on the state in which you live. Dental residency programs typically take two to three years.

Residency in the Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEDG) and General Medicine Residency (GPR) programs usually lasts one year. The department offers an intensive advanced graduate education program in prosthodontics. The full-time program has a minimum duration of 35 months. Students can choose to simultaneously take additional courses and research experience to obtain a Master's degree in Oral Science.

Hospital residency programs are affiliated with New York Presbyterian Hospital. The General Council of Dentistry currently recognizes 13 different dental specialties and guarantees the quality, through the HEE and the postgraduate dental deans, of training programs that lead to obtaining a certificate of completion of specialized training (CCST) and enrollment in a list of specialists from the GDC. The GDC also defines minimum entry criteria and approves curricula and evaluation frameworks. The residency training programs at the UCLA School of Dentistry are among the best in the country.

Postgraduate residents have the opportunity to improve their education and pursue advanced training in a wide range of specialized fields, as well as in general dentistry. At any given time, we have more than 100 active trainees who treat patients in clinics along with our top-tier faculty. Our residents receive a stipend in addition to a benefit package.

Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts

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