What is the Difference Between a General Dentist and a Dental Specialist?

When it comes to dental care, there are two main types of providers: general dentists and dental specialists. General dentists are your primary care providers, while specialists are trained to perform more complex procedures. General dentists are responsible for diagnosing, treating, and managing your general oral health care needs. This includes gum care, root canals, fillings, crowns, veneers, bridges, and preventive education.

If a procedure is too complex or requires an additional level of care, they may refer you to a specialist. Dental specialists are required for more complex procedures. They have received additional postgraduate training in their respective field and limit their services to a limited number of procedures related to their specialty. For example, an orthodontist specializes in straightening misaligned teeth and may not clean teeth.

A periodontist is a dental specialist who treats the bones, gums, and connective tissues that support the teeth. An oral surgeon is another dental specialty and is responsible for root canals and tooth extractions. It's important to note that general dentists are capable of handling a wide variety of dental procedures and emergencies. However, if the procedure you need is complex or needs an additional level of care, they may refer you to a specialist. When it comes to choosing between a general dentist and a dental specialist, it's important to consider your individual needs. If you're looking for general oral care or preventive education, then a general dentist is the best option.

However, if you need more complex procedures such as root canals or tooth extractions, then you should consider seeing a specialist.

Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts

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