What is the Difference Between a General Dentist and a Specialist Dentist?

When it comes to dental care, there are two types of dentists: general dentists and specialists. While general dentists are trained to perform a wide variety of dental procedures, specialists focus on a specific area of dentistry. General dentists are qualified to provide comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages. They can diagnose and treat a variety of dental issues, from cavities to gum disease.

They also provide preventive care, such as cleanings and fluoride treatments. Specialists, on the other hand, have received additional postgraduate training in a particular field of dentistry. Orthodontists, for example, specialize in straightening teeth and correcting bite problems. Endodontists specialize in root canals, while periodontists specialize in treating gum disease.

When complex procedures need to be performed, a specialist is usually required. This means that they limit their services to a limited number of procedures related to their specialty. General dentists, however, are capable of handling a wide variety of dental procedures and emergencies. General dentists tend to invest in multipurpose tools and materials, while specialists invest in tools that make performing their specialty smoother and easier for the patient.

In summary, general dentists provide comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages, while specialists focus on a specific area of dentistry.

Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts

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